Become a Caribou Coordinator
Who are you?
Students cannot register as a Caribou Coordinator
If you are looking for information on how to register, see our Registration Guide or the Participation Information page.
If you are looking for information on your account or results, go to Student Sign In.
Registration Guide Student Sign InWhich best describes your situation?
My child(ren)'s school runs the contests. I will run the contests for my child(ren).Only your School's teachers and administrators can register as a Caribou Coordinator
If you are looking for information on how to register a student, see our Registration Guide or the Participation Information page. As schools can pay for participation themselves or arrange for parents to pay, you may need to get in touch with your child(ren)'s Caribou Coordinator (teacher).
If you are looking for information on your child(ren)'s account or results, go to Student Sign In.
Registration Guide Student Sign InRegister with the Caribou Virtual School or as a Home School
Unless you are a home school with many students, we recommend signing your student(s) up with the Caribou Virtual School. Click on each option for more information.
Caribou Virtual School Home SchoolRegister with the Caribou Virtual School
Registering with the Virtual School is fast and easy. There is no need to create a Coordinator account to register with the Caribou Virtual School. Instead, the Caribou Team is your Caribou Coordinator. The Caribou Virtual School has a super long Contest Time Window to accommodate all time zones, so you can participate when it is convenient for you. Students with the Virtual School can sign in to write the contest at any time on Wednesday or Thursday up until 6:30PM EST on Thursday.
To sign up a student with the Caribou Virtual School:
1) If you have a Voucher: use the Contact Us form : state that you want to register with the Caribou Virtual School and provide your Voucher Code, Student Grade, First name, and Last name.
2) If you do not have a Voucher:
- Go to the Online Shop
- Sign in as Someone Else, respond to prompts
- For the student's school, tick the box for No School
- Continue making your purchase and check out
- Once the payment is processed, an Access Code will be created that is registered to the Virtual School
- You will receive a confirmation email containing the Access Code
Create a Caribou Coordinator account as a Home School
This option is better for home schools with many students. It is more work upfront, because it takes time to set up your School and Coordinator (organizer) accounts and read the documentation.
Becoming a Caribou Coordinator is advantageous when organizing the contest for many students at a time: you can set the contest time window for your school, make purchases for more than 1 student at a time, use Contest Day Tools, and view all of your students' results and account information in one place.
If you only have 1 or 2 students, it is better to register with the Caribou Virtual School which requires no setup and has an extra-long time window within which students can access the contests.
Create a Caribou Coordinator AccountPlease Confirm your Identity
This registration is ONLY FOR EDUCATORS such as tutors, teachers, school administrators, librarians, and homeschooling parents.
If you are a Student or Parent unsure of how to register, see our Registration Guide. If you are a Parent, but not a Home School, and your child's school is NOT paying for participation, go to the Online Shop to register your child. If you are unsure, Contact Us.
By continuing, you acknowledge that you are NOT A STUDENT and NOT A PARENT whose child(ren)'s institution is organizing the contests, and you accept any consequences if this is found to be untrue.
I confirm I am an Educator Contact UsDo you already have a Caribou Coordinator account?
No, I have never made a Caribou Coordinator account before. Yes, I have already made a Caribou Coordinator account.Which best describes your situation?
I want to run Caribou Contests for my new school, I no longer run it for my former school. I want to run Caribou Contests at multiple schools simultaneously.Move your Caribou Coordinator account
If your account at your former school was taken over by another teacher, then you may make a new Caribou Coordinator account.
If not, simply move your account to your new place of work. To do so, sign in and use the tool 'Change Your School'. This will not affect the records of students from your former school.
Coordinator Sign In Create a new Caribou Coordinator accountCreate another Caribou Coordinator account
If you are running Caribou Contests at more than one school, please create a Coordinator account for each school.
If possible, please use a different email address for each account.
Create a new Caribou Coordinator accountBefore you create your Caribou Coordinator account:
Please note, there can be more than one Caribou Coordinator at a school. However, Coordinators at one school cannot access data from each other's account. Some schools prefer that teachers share a single Coordinator account for this reason.
If your school is not yet on the List of Participating Schools, you will be asked to add it. Once you add it, you may need to restart registration.
If you are registering as a Home School, see the notes below.
Create a new Caribou Coordinator account List of Participating SchoolsNotes for Home Schools
- Add your home school as a new school, do not join an unknown home school.
- Register your home school under its name or use a name like "Home School - [your initials]".
- For school board, put "Homeschool" or "None", and other information as prompted.
- Enter a real, valid address. We need this for student ranking and to mail prizes.
- Once your school is added to the list, return to Coordinator registration and select your school.
- Home schools groups registered as a single school may purchase School Wide products within the limit of 40 participating families.
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