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Were you given a Caribou Contests Voucher? It is a 10-character code, like this: 2020W4PI71.
If you have a voucher and would like to upgrade your existing account, this page is for you. If not, see the Participation PageorRegister for help registering.
When your Coordinator/School purchases Contest Participation for your account or school,
your Access Code will become Caribou Cup valid.
Where are you participating?
Azerbaijan, Cambodia, China, Iran, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Turkey, U.A.E., Ukraine, VietnamGhana, Kenya, Mali, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda, Ukraine
None of the above
Contact our Representative in your Country
You can use the 'Contact Us' form to email your country's representative or use the contact information in the table below.
Contact UsCountry | Caribou Representative(s) | Contact Information |
Azerbaijan | Mr. Elvin Məmmədov | email: [email protected] phone: +994503330216 |
Cambodia | Dr. Chan Roath Monita |
email: [email protected]/[email protected] Caribou Contests Cambodia Facebook page |
China | ASDAN China | ASDAN Contact Information ASDAN Caribou Page |
Iran | Shahram Vahabpour (شهرام وهاب پور) | email: [email protected] phone: 09358263303 |
Lebanon | M. Georges Maamary | email: [email protected] Caribou Lebanon Facebook page |
Malaysia | Ms. Wendy Cheng Baxter Training & Consultancy |
email: [email protected] phone: +60 11-59619375 |
Pakistan | Eye on Ivy | email: [email protected] Eye on Ivy Caribou page Eye on Ivy Facebook page |
Philippines | Mathematics Trainers' Guild | email: [email protected] phone: +639206059320 Mathematics Trainer's Guild website |
Turkey |
Caribou Matematik Türkiye Dr. Duygu Özdemir |
email: [email protected] Caribou Matematik website |
U.A.E., Oman, and Qatar | Ms. Tabu Noor | Caribou Math Arabia email: [email protected] Tell & WhatsApp: 00971-557435696 Caribou Math Arabia's Instagram www.mirsaleducation.com Registration Form for Caribou Math Arabia |
Ukraine | Андрій | email: [email protected] phone: +380 (63) 807 05 89 |
Vietnam | Nguyen Hoang Giang, Ph.D. Research Institute of Creative Education |
email: [email protected] phone: (+84) 24 85 89 29 99 / (+84) 559 66 77 88 rice-ins.com |
Participation in your country is free.
Please use the 'Contact Us' form to email us to get a Voucher Code. You may need to provide proof of residence.
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