Upcoming Coding ContestsSpring 2025 Beginner Coding Contest
2025-05-21Spring 2025 Junior Coding Contest
2025-05-21Spring 2025 Senior Coding Contest
2025-05-21 -
Latest NotificationsWelcome to the Nov 2023 Coding Contests 2023-11-29 14:04:27Welcome to the November 2023 Junior and Senior Coding Contests. The tests are up and running. We hope you like them. Because the coding contests are much younger than our math contests there is surely room for improvements or clarifying misunderstandings. Let us know what you think on [email protected].Summer Coding Contest 2023-07-22 19:55:49Hope everyone is having a great summer! We are holding the first contest of the 2023-24 Caribou Cup Year on August 2nd - Auguest 3rd [EST]. There will be a junior and senior contest. Additional Practice Sample Junior and Senior Contests have been released for all students to try out. Both contests will require 1 non-math credit, which can be purchased from the caribou shop. Students have the option of participating in both contests with the purchase of 2 non-math credits. Both Junior and Senior Contests will have a 3 hour time limit! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] Good luck on the upcoming contest!Interface Update 2023-04-25 11:11:13Our coding interface has been updated with the problem descriptions, code editor, and results all in one! We hope this makes your contest experience better and please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any further feedback. Additionally, our next contest will be held during the summer, but you will need to purchase non-math credits at our online shop to participate.March Contest Completion 2023-03-30 16:23:45We would like to thank everyone for participating in the first Caribou Coding Contest. There were over 750 participants and we received a lot of valuable feedback and valid criticisms. We promise to use the feedback to improve the experience of students and teachers in future contests and apologize to those who experienced any issues or confusion. We look forward to seeing your submissions at the next coding contest.Sample Contest Error 2023-03-20 14:52:59It has been pointed out to us that in the Sample Practice Contest, the solution for Question 2: "Basic Math" is incorrect and does not use the formula for the volume of a sphere given in the question. The solution and test cases have now been updated to use the formula. Previous answers will not be remarked as the concept of the question remains the same.March Contest 2023-03-10 12:55:07We will be hosting our first Caribou Coding Contest on March 29th. There will be two levels: Junior and Senior, both of which will be available to everyone. There is currently a sample contest called "Sample Practice Contest" for you to try out, which you can see by clicking the contests tab on the left sidebar. We hope to see you participating and good luck!
General Contest Rules
- No collaboration is allowed.
- Access to other source or starter code is not allowed, whether printed or electronic.
- Students can only use the Internet for editing code, code compilation, contest submission, and consulting
Official Programming Documentation - All other internet use is not allowed.
There will be consequences for violating any of the above rules during any non-practice contest.
- Individuals have the option of buying:
- Individual Non-Math Credits
$5.6 USD
- Schools have the option of buying:
- All Inclusive School-Wide Non-Math Pass
$134.51 USD
Purchase Information Page to find out more about each product.
Please visit our Shop to purchase items.
- Individual Non-Math Credits